Horace L. Gold, E.J. Gold and
Forrest J Ackerman discuss the pragmatic--marketing--side of sci-fi,
circa 1976.
Magazine Contributions
- 2003
- What is Enlightenment? Magazine, Interview
- 1998
- Transgender Magazine, Contributor
- 1997
- Magical Blend Magazine, Interview
- 1998-present
- GALAXY Magazine, GALAXY Ezine, Editor
- 1994
- GALAXY, Editor
- 1984
- OMNI, Last Word, July
- 1979
- Playwings, Editor, author & illustrator
- Wings, The New Age Satire Magazine, Editor, author & illustrator
- Strange, Passages
- Tales of the Ukranian Sufis
- A Matter of Babble
- The Science of Idiots
- Heimie the Barbarian, May-June, 1979
- Tuesday's Child
- 1974
- WSL Newsletter, Instant Mythologies (an early example of fictiles)
- 1968
- Mod Teen, editor
- Fifteen, editor
- Galaxy, Villains from Vega IV, co-authored with H.L. Gold, (Frederik Pohl, Editor)
- 1967-68
- Monkee Spectacular, contributing editor
- The Monkees Meet the Magic Jeannie and Get Three Wishes by Jeannie-In-the-Bottle,
- Yes, Yes, Yes, The Monkees Play Their Own Instruments by Their Instruments
- How I Sneaked In To Meet the Monkees by Guess Who
- 1967
- Tiger Beat, photography and articles
- Towne & Country, photographer
- 1966
- Jet, photographer
- Adam, photographer
- Knight, photographer
- Cavalier, photographer